The Agriculture Alliance of the Caribbean (AACARI), formed in 2004, is a regional alliance of Farmers' Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in the Caribbean. AACARI member organizations are directly involved in production, marketing, advocacy and capacity building.

AACARI Focus Areas
Some of the areas we are focused on:
Food Sovereignty
Food & Nutrition Security
Education, Training, Youth, Media & Technology
Research, Advocacy & Policy
SMEs Business Development & Empowerment
Organic & Protected Agriculture
AACARI's Mission and Vision
Providing an umbrella organisation for agriculture organizations and groups across the Caribbean to strengthen and encourage the sector as a whole; increasing public understanding and providing the mechanism and support needed for such bodies to build their capacity, connect, partner, and increase their contributions to improving the quality of life for its members.
To enhance Caribbean food and nutrition security by repositioning agriculture through capacity building of farmers and the institutional strengthening of farmers organizations.
To make AACARI the organization of choice for regional agriculture development for the Caribbean farmers and their communities.
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